Amazon thunderstorms shape new pathways for cloud formationClimate
Muser NewsDeskDecember 5, 2024
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Amazon thunderstorms shape new pathways for cloud formation
The Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in global climate regulation, not only through its carbon storage capabilities but also as a source of natural…

Scientists find a human ‘fingerprint’ in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozoneClimate
SourceAugust 2, 2024
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Scientists find a human ‘fingerprint’ in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozone
Knowing where to look for this signal will help researchers identify specific sources of the potent greenhouse gas. Jennifer Chu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamicsScience
SourceJuly 13, 2024
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Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamics
Huge smoke-charged vortex doubles aerosol burden in the middle stratosphere and buffers ozone depletion. By Max Planck Institute for Chemistry In a revelation highlighting the…