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Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 36, 2024
Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 36, 2024Science

Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 36, 2024

Bacteria can anticipate the seasons: Photoperiodism in cyanobacteria Long-lived plants and animals clearly regulate their physiology according to seasonal changes in day length to appropriately…
SourceSourceSeptember 7, 2024 Full article
Climate change drives rise in stillbirths and newborn deaths in Africa
Climate change drives rise in stillbirths and newborn deaths in AfricaNewsScience

Climate change drives rise in stillbirths and newborn deaths in Africa

A recent study published in Nature Medicine highlights a disturbing correlation between rising temperatures in sub-Saharan Africa and an increased risk of perinatal deaths. The…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 3, 2024 Full article
Weathering the storm: the influence of rain on sea turtle hatchlings
Weathering the storm: the influence of rain on sea turtle hatchlingsClimate

Weathering the storm: the influence of rain on sea turtle hatchlings

Sea turtles, after laying their eggs and covering them with sand, leave their offspring to develop and hatch without any parental care. The odds of…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 29, 2024 Full article
Advancements in chemical plastics recycling pave the way for high-quality sustainable products
Advancements in chemical plastics recycling pave the way for high-quality sustainable productsScience

Advancements in chemical plastics recycling pave the way for high-quality sustainable products

Scientists at ETH Zurich have made significant strides in chemical recycling, a process poised to transform plastic waste management by producing high-quality products from discarded…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 29, 2024 Full article
Killer pesticides linked to alarming decline in America’s wild bees
Killer pesticides linked to alarming decline in America’s wild beesScience

Killer pesticides linked to alarming decline in America’s wild bees

A new study published in Nature Sustainability by a team of international researchers, including scientists from the University of Southern California (USC) Dornsife College, has…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 28, 2024 Full article
Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 35, 2024
Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 35, 2024NewsScience

Muser Press – New Research Articles | Week 35, 2024

Darwin and the biological rhythms While the formalization of chronobiology as a scientific discipline occurred in the mid-20th century, the exploration of rhythmic phenomena has…
SourceSourceAugust 28, 2024 Full article
New field experiments uncover how plant clocks adapt to natural environments
New field experiments uncover how plant clocks adapt to natural environmentsScience

New field experiments uncover how plant clocks adapt to natural environments

A collaborative study between researchers from the UK and Japan has shed new light on how plant biological clocks function in natural environments. Traditionally, much…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 23, 2024 Full article
New bioinspired method uses electricity to combat coastal erosion
New bioinspired method uses electricity to combat coastal erosionScience

New bioinspired method uses electricity to combat coastal erosion

In a new study, researchers from Northwestern University have introduced a novel method to combat coastal erosion using electricity, drawing inspiration from nature. As climate…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 22, 2024 Full article
The latest buzz – smart hives and dancing robot bees boost sustainable beekeeping
The latest buzz – smart hives and dancing robot bees boost sustainable beekeepingScience

The latest buzz – smart hives and dancing robot bees boost sustainable beekeeping

EU-funded researchers are using big data and smart technologies to improve conditions for bees and guide beekeepers. By Sofia Strodt | Horizon, the EU Research…
SourceSourceAugust 20, 2024 Full article
Urban street networks, building density shape severity of floods
Urban street networks, building density shape severity of floodsScience

Urban street networks, building density shape severity of floods

Researchers’ new analytical model can assess neighborhood-level hazards globally By University of California - Irvine Cities around the globe are experiencing increased flooding due to…
SourceSourceAugust 19, 2024 Full article
Buzz-worthy breakthrough: new tests to detect fake honey
Buzz-worthy breakthrough: new tests to detect fake honeyNewsScience

Buzz-worthy breakthrough: new tests to detect fake honey

Cranfield University researchers unveil innovative techniques to detect honey adulteration In a significant advancement for food authenticity, researchers at Cranfield University have developed new methods…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 19, 2024 Full article
Prehistoric Europeans Faced Near Extinction During Ice Age, New Study Reveals
Prehistoric Europeans Faced Near Extinction During Ice Age, New Study RevealsClimate

Prehistoric Europeans Faced Near Extinction During Ice Age, New Study Reveals

An international team of researchers has uncovered how prehistoric hunter-gatherers in Europe responded to dramatic climate changes during the last Ice Age, revealing that populations…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 18, 2024 Full article
Why researchers favor safe over risky projects? Exploring scientific risk aversion
Why researchers favor safe over risky projects? Exploring scientific risk aversionScience

Why researchers favor safe over risky projects? Exploring scientific risk aversion

Reward schemes that motivate effort inherently discourage scientific risk-taking. By PLOS A mathematical framework that builds on the economic theory of hidden-action models provides insight…
SourceSourceAugust 16, 2024 Full article
Warming waters and pollution threaten freshwater ecosystems, new study finds
Warming waters and pollution threaten freshwater ecosystems, new study findsClimate

Warming waters and pollution threaten freshwater ecosystems, new study finds

New research highlights the urgent need for global action to protect freshwater habitats. Freshwater ecosystems around the world are facing a critical threat due to…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 16, 2024 Full article
New research reveals key strategies for combating online misinformation
New research reveals key strategies for combating online misinformationScience

New research reveals key strategies for combating online misinformation

In an era where online misinformation spreads rapidly and often unchallenged, new research from George Washington University (GW) offers a solution: clear and simple communication.…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 15, 2024 Full article
A method that paves the way for improved fuel cell vehicles
A method that paves the way for improved fuel cell vehiclesScience

A method that paves the way for improved fuel cell vehicles

By Chalmers University of Technology More efficient and longer-lasting fuel cells are essential for fuel cell-powered heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles to become an alternative to combustion-fueled…
SourceSourceAugust 14, 2024 Full article
Long-distance relationship revealed in the seemingly random behavior of bowhead whales
Long-distance relationship revealed in the seemingly random behavior of bowhead whalesScience

Long-distance relationship revealed in the seemingly random behavior of bowhead whales

By Hokkaido University, Aarhus University & Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Applying chaos theory to the movement of iconic arctic whales uncovered a 24-hour diving…
SourceSourceAugust 11, 2024 Full article
Palm oil: from environmental villain to climate hero
Palm oil: from environmental villain to climate heroScience

Palm oil: from environmental villain to climate hero

By Eng-Seng Chan and Wail Gourich, Monash University Malaysia | 360info The Malaysian palm oil industry is making notable progress in addressing climate change and…
SourceSourceAugust 11, 2024 Full article
How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?
How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?ClimateNews

How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?

By Wiley Forests absorb carbon by capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making forest carbon stocks an important resource against climate change. In research published…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Scientists and climate change: extreme concern and high level of engagement
Scientists and climate change: extreme concern and high level of engagementScience

Scientists and climate change: extreme concern and high level of engagement

By Universiteit van Amsterdam Scientists from across academic disciplines are extremely concerned about climate change. Many of them have already changed their own lifestyles or…
SourceSourceAugust 6, 2024 Full article
How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level rise
How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level riseClimateScience

How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level rise

Effects will depend on how much global warming is controlled, study finds. By Tatyana Woodall | Ohio State University The rising earth beneath the Antarctic…
SourceSourceAugust 3, 2024 Full article
Scientists find a human “fingerprint” in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozone
Scientists find a human “fingerprint” in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozoneClimate

Scientists find a human “fingerprint” in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozone

Knowing where to look for this signal will help researchers identify specific sources of the potent greenhouse gas. By Jennifer Chu | Massachusetts Institute of…
SourceSourceAugust 2, 2024 Full article
Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international study
Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international studyClimateScience

Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international study

Climate change means that tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia are developing faster, lasting longer and endangering more coastal communities, finds joint international study. By Nanyang…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Scientists Set Sail to Study Greenland Glaciers from Underwater
Scientists Set Sail to Study Greenland Glaciers from UnderwaterClimateScience

Scientists Set Sail to Study Greenland Glaciers from Underwater

By University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin has embarked on a mission to explore the underwater edges of Greenland’s coastal…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article