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Polluters should pay for climate damage: Tuvalu minister
Polluters should pay for climate damage: Tuvalu ministerNews

Polluters should pay for climate damage: Tuvalu minister

Nuku'alofa, Tonga (AFP) - Low-lying Pacific state Tuvalu on Monday urged emissions-belching nations to stump up for the rising costs of climate damage, saying: "If…
SourceSourceAugust 26, 2024 Full article
UN chief says Pacific territories face climate ‘annihilation’
UN chief says Pacific territories face climate ‘annihilation’News

UN chief says Pacific territories face climate ‘annihilation’

Apia, Samoa (AFP) - UN chief Antonio Guterres warned Thursday that some Pacific territories face "annihilation" from climate-induced cyclones, ocean heatwaves and rising sea levels.…
SourceSourceAugust 22, 2024 Full article
Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s history
Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s historyNewsScience

Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s history

By Juliette Collen | AFP Paris, France - In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced…
SourceSourceJuly 22, 2024 Full article
A mountainous mystery uncovered in SA’s pink sands
A mountainous mystery uncovered in SA’s pink sandsScience

A mountainous mystery uncovered in SA’s pink sands

By Johnny von Einem | University of Adelaide Deposits of deep-pink sand washing up on South Australian shores shed new light on when the Australian…
SourceSourceJune 13, 2024 Full article