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Climate Science Digest: November 12, 2024
Small iceberg floating in ocean water under a bright sky with the Sun visible above - climate change effects (s. science)
Climate Science Digest: November 12, 2024Science

Climate Science Digest: November 12, 2024

Longer droughts, bigger floods: UMass Amherst Hydrologist maps the future of water in New England New England, warming faster than any other U.S. region, faces…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskNovember 12, 2024 Full article
New insights into climate history: studying cave formations could help improve climate models
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New insights into climate history: studying cave formations could help improve climate modelsClimate

New insights into climate history: studying cave formations could help improve climate models

A recent study reveals that our understanding of historical climate patterns, particularly in Southeast Asia, may have been more complicated than once thought, especially when…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreOctober 22, 2024 Full article
Deep-sea discovery calls into question origins of life
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Deep-sea discovery calls into question origins of lifeNewsScience

Deep-sea discovery calls into question origins of life

By Euan Paterson | Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) A discovery in the dark depths of the Pacific Ocean is challenging the scientific consensus…
SourceSourceJuly 22, 2024 Full article
Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s history
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Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s historyNewsScience

Deep ocean ‘dark oxygen’ find could rewrite Earth’s history

By Juliette Collen | AFP Paris, France - In the total darkness of the depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have discovered oxygen being produced…
SourceSourceJuly 22, 2024 Full article