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Green Technology

Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar Cells
Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar CellsClimateNews

Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar Cells

By City University of Hong Kong (CityU) As climate change continues to advance, the need for low-carbon, clean energy alternatives has become more urgent than…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Paving the way for carbon pricing with green alternatives
Paving the way for carbon pricing with green alternativesClimateNews

Paving the way for carbon pricing with green alternatives

By Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) The political success of climate change mitigation in Europe will depend on how well policy design enables…
SourceSourceJune 17, 2024 Full article
Norway mining group announces ‘huge’ find of rare earth deposits
Norway mining group announces ‘huge’ find of rare earth depositsNews

Norway mining group announces ‘huge’ find of rare earth deposits

Oslo, Norway (AFP) - A Norwegian mining company on Thursday announced that it had found the largest deposit of rare earths in Europe in the…
SourceSourceJune 6, 2024 Full article