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Rising temperatures could put half of global food crops at risk
Image: Harvest machine at work (s. food, agriculture, crop)
Rising temperatures could put half of global food crops at riskScience

Rising temperatures could put half of global food crops at risk

Global food security could be notably impacted by a marked decline in crop diversity if temperatures rise by more than 1.5°C, new research reveals Summary:…
SourceSourceMarch 4, 2025 Full article
World Drought Atlas highlights global risks and solutions for a resilient future
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World Drought Atlas highlights global risks and solutions for a resilient futureClimate

World Drought Atlas highlights global risks and solutions for a resilient future

Droughts are becoming one of the most pressing global challenges, with impacts expected to affect three-quarters of the world’s population by 2050. In response, the…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskDecember 2, 2024 Full article
Global leaders reaffirm their commitment to IDA
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Global leaders reaffirm their commitment to IDANews

Global leaders reaffirm their commitment to IDA

The Republic of Korea will host the final meeting of the IDA21 replenishment process in Seoul on December 5-6, 2024. This is a critical moment…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskDecember 1, 2024 Full article
A challenging future for children in a changing world
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A challenging future for children in a changing worldNews

A challenging future for children in a changing world

The future of childhood could face significant upheaval unless urgent measures are implemented to address global challenges, UNICEF warned in its The State of the…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskNovember 20, 2024 Full article
New global push to merge climate and violence prevention policies for a safer future
New global push to merge climate and violence prevention policies for a safer futureClimateNews

New global push to merge climate and violence prevention policies for a safer future

In an effort to address two major crises simultaneously, researchers from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the London School of Hygiene and…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreNovember 12, 2024 Full article
UN holds ‘Summit of the Future’ to tackle global crises
UN holds ‘Summit of the Future’ to tackle global crisesNews

UN holds ‘Summit of the Future’ to tackle global crises

By Amélie BOTTOLLIER-DEPOIS | AFP United Nations, United States - Global leaders are gathering in New York on Sunday for a "Summit of the Future"…
SourceSourceSeptember 22, 2024 Full article
Blueprint for food security offers hope for Sub-Saharan Africa’s future
Blueprint for food security offers hope for Sub-Saharan Africa’s futureClimate

Blueprint for food security offers hope for Sub-Saharan Africa’s future

Sub-Saharan Africa is at a crossroads when it comes to agricultural productivity and food security. With a fast-growing population, climate variability, and insufficient infrastructure, the…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 22, 2024 Full article
What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?
What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?ClimateNews

What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?

By University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Climate change has already begun to transform planet Earth, and over the next few decades these dramatic…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Launch of Academy to transform the knowledge agenda at the World Bank Group
The business concept of the glass world on a laptop (s. climate, aid, science, news)
Launch of Academy to transform the knowledge agenda at the World Bank GroupNews

Launch of Academy to transform the knowledge agenda at the World Bank Group

By World Bank Group A new World Bank Group (WBG) platform – the WBG Academy – aims to equip future leaders with development expertise that…
SourceSourceJune 20, 2024 Full article
The global clean water crisis looms large
The global clean water crisis looms largeClimateScience

The global clean water crisis looms large

By Utrecht University Water scarcity will intensify with climate and socioeconomic change, disproportionately impacting populations located in the Global South. So concludes a new Utrecht University…
SourceSourceMay 23, 2024 Full article
Climate change could force Bangkok to move, official warns
Climate change could force Bangkok to move, official warnsClimateNews

Climate change could force Bangkok to move, official warns

By Sara HUSSEIN | AFP Bangkok, Thailand (UPDATED) - Thailand may have to consider relocating its capital Bangkok because of rising sea levels, a senior…
SourceSourceMay 16, 2024 Full article
University of Helsinki and Vetcare collaborate for research innovations in animal welfare
University of Helsinki and Vetcare collaborate for research innovations in animal welfareNews

University of Helsinki and Vetcare collaborate for research innovations in animal welfare

By Anna Humalamäki, University of Helsinki In April 2024 Vetcare and the University of Helsinki signed a partnership agreement to further deepen their research collaboration…
SourceSourceMay 14, 2024 Full article
From Billions to Trillions: Setting a new goal on climate finance
Image: Silhouette of windmills on a field during sunset (s. climate, finance)
From Billions to Trillions: Setting a new goal on climate financeNews

From Billions to Trillions: Setting a new goal on climate finance

A new phase of work on one of the most important items currently on the global climate change agenda – setting a new goal on…
SourceSourceApril 30, 2024 Full article
Climate change is killing us – in more ways than one
Climate change is killing us – in more ways than oneFactsNews

Climate change is killing us – in more ways than one

By Grace Jennings-Edquist, Commissioning Editor, 360info We've all heard about climate change's effect on our planet — but do you know about the many ways…
SourceSourceApril 22, 2024 Full article
Scientists Unite for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Urgent Call to End Destruction and Foster Equity
Scientists Unite for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Urgent Call to End Destruction and Foster EquityNewsScience

Scientists Unite for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Urgent Call to End Destruction and Foster Equity

An international team of scientists has issued a clarion call for urgent action to address the interconnected crises of climate change, ecological destruction, and socio-economic…
SourceSourceApril 2, 2024 Full article
COP28 marks definitive call to ditch fossil fuels for a sustainable future
COP28 marks definitive call to ditch fossil fuels for a sustainable futureFacts

COP28 marks definitive call to ditch fossil fuels for a sustainable future

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) concluded with a resounding call for a global shift away from fossil fuels, signaling a pivotal moment in…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreDecember 13, 2023 Full article
Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and gender
Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and genderClimateNews

Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and gender

In the face of an escalating climate crisis, innovative solutions are crucial to addressing the multifaceted challenges that impact health, agriculture, and gender. The Rockefeller…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreDecember 4, 2023 Full article
UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber challenges fossil fuel phase-out, ignites controversy at COP28
UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber challenges fossil fuel phase-out, ignites controversy at COP28News

UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber challenges fossil fuel phase-out, ignites controversy at COP28

The President of COP28, Sultan Al Jaber, has sparked controversy by asserting that there is no scientific evidence supporting the necessity of a complete phase-out…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskDecember 3, 2023 Full article