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Mirror, mirror, in my tank, who’s the biggest fish of all?
Mirror, mirror, in my tank, who’s the biggest fish of all?News

Mirror, mirror, in my tank, who’s the biggest fish of all?

What if that proverbial man in the mirror was a… fish? Would it change its ways? According to an Osaka Metropolitan University-led research group, the…
SourceSourceSeptember 12, 2024 Full article
Sharks are abandoning stressed coral reefs as oceans warm
Sharks are abandoning stressed coral reefs as oceans warmScience

Sharks are abandoning stressed coral reefs as oceans warm

Grey reef sharks are being forced to abandon coral reefs due to rising ocean temperatures, according to new research. The study, published in Communications Biology,…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 9, 2024 Full article
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake BalatonScience

Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton

By Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) What was Lake Balaton like in its natural state, and when did it change? Can its near-natural condition still be…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheriesClimateScience

Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries

Commercially important marine fish and invertebrate species will likely shift northwards under a warmer climate. By Hokkaido University Marine fisheries are an essential source of…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Fishy parenting? Punishing offspring encourages cooperation
Fishy parenting? Punishing offspring encourages cooperationNewsScience

Fishy parenting? Punishing offspring encourages cooperation

By Osaka Metropolitan University While there is an increasing consensus among humans that corporal discipline of children does more harm than good, fish may disagree.…
SourceSourceJune 18, 2024 Full article