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Environmental Science

Global plastic pollution crisis driven by uncollected waste and open burning
Global plastic pollution crisis driven by uncollected waste and open burningScience

Global plastic pollution crisis driven by uncollected waste and open burning

A new study by researchers at the University of Leeds has unveiled the vast scale of uncollected waste and open burning of plastic as primary…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 4, 2024 Full article
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation effortsScience

Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts

The first continent-wide mapping study of plant life across Antarctica reveals growth in previously uncharted areas and is set to inform conservation measures across the…
SourceSourceAugust 6, 2024 Full article
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries
Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheriesClimateScience

Climate change may lead to shifts in vital Pacific Arctic fisheries

Commercially important marine fish and invertebrate species will likely shift northwards under a warmer climate. By Hokkaido University Marine fisheries are an essential source of…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Study tracks exposure to air pollution through the day
Study tracks exposure to air pollution through the dayScience

Study tracks exposure to air pollution through the day

Data from the Bronx account for people’s daily mobility patterns, reveal demographic disparities in exposure levels. By Peter Dizikes | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute…
SourceSourceJuly 29, 2024 Full article
Researchers warn of unprecedented arsenic release from wildfires
Researchers warn of unprecedented arsenic release from wildfiresClimate

Researchers warn of unprecedented arsenic release from wildfires

Study finds contaminated mining sites worsen risks from fires. By University of Waterloo The wildfire season of 2023 was the most destructive ever recorded in…
SourceSourceJuly 23, 2024 Full article
Creating sustainable cooling in southeast Asia using ground source heat pump systems
Creating sustainable cooling in southeast Asia using ground source heat pump systemsClimateScience

Creating sustainable cooling in southeast Asia using ground source heat pump systems

By Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan As energy and environmental crises rampage, sustainable solutions like ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems gain traction. GSHP…
SourceSourceJune 27, 2024 Full article
Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought
Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of droughtClimateScience

Human activity: A double-edged sword in the face of drought

By Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH) Earth and environmental scientists reported that as human socio-economic activities increase, greenhouse gas emissions will rise, leading…
SourceSourceJune 21, 2024 Full article