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Environmental Policy

Flooding: the unexpected biggest threat to deserts
Flooding: the unexpected biggest threat to desertsScience

Flooding: the unexpected biggest threat to deserts

A new study from the University of Southern California (USC) Viterbi School of Engineering, in collaboration with the University of Paris Cité, has revealed a…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 10, 2024 Full article
A roadmap for Earth’s cooling strategies
A roadmap for Earth’s cooling strategiesClimate

A roadmap for Earth’s cooling strategies

New paper provides essential framework for evaluating the feasibility, impacts, and governance of stratospheric aerosol injection as a potential climate solution. In a world increasingly…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreAugust 23, 2024 Full article
Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”
Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”Climate

Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”

USC study reveals that people are more familiar with tried-and-true names for climate change – including climate change. By Lance Ignon | University of Southern…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
Rice University researchers develop innovative battery recycling method
Rice University researchers develop innovative battery recycling methodScience

Rice University researchers develop innovative battery recycling method

By Marcy de Luna | Rice University A research team at Rice University led by James Tour, the T.T., and W.F. Chao, Professor of Chemistry…
SourceSourceJuly 25, 2024 Full article
Warehousing industry increases health-harming pollutants
Warehousing industry increases health-harming pollutantsScience

Warehousing industry increases health-harming pollutants

First of a kind study shows an average 20% spike of nitrogen dioxide polluting the air for communities located near huge warehouses; people of color…
SourceSourceJuly 24, 2024 Full article
Study examines urban forests across the United States
Study examines urban forests across the United StatesScience

Study examines urban forests across the United States

Researchers find trees in parks are more drought-tolerant than species near homes. By Dartmouth College In recent years, tree-planting campaigns have been underway in the…
SourceSourceJuly 13, 2024 Full article
Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capital
Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capitalClimate

Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capital

Going green pays off. New research shows that when companies disclose their environmental impact—and work to mitigate it—they earn investor trust. By Hidemichi Fujii |…
SourceSourceJuly 8, 2024 Full article