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Climate Warming and Rainfall Variability in the Three Gorges Region in 2022–2023
Three Gorges Region res
Climate Warming and Rainfall Variability in the Three Gorges Region in 2022–2023Science

Climate Warming and Rainfall Variability in the Three Gorges Region in 2022–2023

By Institute of Atmospheric Physics | Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) The Three Gorges Region of the Yangtze River (TGR) in China has a unique…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton
bence boros 4E 20IpEqeI unsplash res
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake BalatonScience

Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton

By Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) What was Lake Balaton like in its natural state, and when did it change? Can its near-natural condition still be…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainability
A Woman (doctor) in White Coat Sitting at the table (health care, climate)
Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainabilityClimate

Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainability

An educational program emphasizing the relationship that climate change has with health and healthcare environmental sustainability was well-received by physicians, according to a recent survey-based…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar Cells
beautiful alternative energy plant with solar panels res
Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar CellsClimateNews

Scalable Production of Next-Generation High-Performance Printable Solar Cells

By City University of Hong Kong (CityU) As climate change continues to advance, the need for low-carbon, clean energy alternatives has become more urgent than…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Study quantifies air pollution for NYC subway commuters
Study quantifies air pollution for NYC subway commutersScience

Study quantifies air pollution for NYC subway commuters

Economically disadvantaged and racial minority groups have the highest exposure to fine particular matter during their home to work commutes. PLOS - New York City…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research shows
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research showsClimate

Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research shows

By University of Melbourne The Great Barrier Reef is under significant pressure, with warming sea temperatures and mass coral bleaching events threatening to destroy the…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Great Barrier Reef ocean temperatures hit 400-year record: study
Great Barrier Reef ocean temperatures hit 400-year record: studyNewsScience

Great Barrier Reef ocean temperatures hit 400-year record: study

By Laura CHUNG | AFP Sydney, Australia - For the past decade, water temperatures along Australia's famed Great Barrier Reef have been the warmest in…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts
Vegetation in Antarctica is dominated by lichen and mosses
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation effortsScience

Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts

The first continent-wide mapping study of plant life across Antarctica reveals growth in previously uncharted areas and is set to inform conservation measures across the…
SourceSourceAugust 6, 2024 Full article
Four killed after Storm Debby hits Florida coast
Satellite image of Tropical Storm Debby
Four killed after Storm Debby hits Florida coastNews

Four killed after Storm Debby hits Florida coast

Miami, United States (UPDATED) - Tropical Storm Debby drenched Florida on Monday, killing at least four people and threatening southeastern US states with heavy rainfall…
SourceSourceAugust 6, 2024 Full article
How unplanned development, unusual rain ended in disaster
How unplanned development, unusual rain ended in disasterClimate

How unplanned development, unusual rain ended in disaster

By Sajan Thomas, St. John's College, Anchal in Thiruvananthapuram | 360info The Kerala landslide underscores the importance of preserving human lives in the Western Ghats region amid…
SourceSourceAugust 5, 2024 Full article
EV transition worries French car industry workers
Electric car charging at station
EV transition worries French car industry workersClimateNews

EV transition worries French car industry workers

By Béatrice JOANNIS | AFP Vouziers, France - As France faces a 2035 deadline to phase out new combustion engine cars, workers in the industry…
SourceSourceAugust 4, 2024 Full article
How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level rise
How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level riseClimateScience

How the rising earth in Antarctica will impact future sea level rise

Effects will depend on how much global warming is controlled, study finds. By Tatyana Woodall | Ohio State University The rising earth beneath the Antarctic…
SourceSourceAugust 3, 2024 Full article
Scientists find a human ‘fingerprint’ in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozone
Image: NASA Study: First Direct Proof of Ozone Hole Recovery Due to Chemicals Ban
Scientists find a human ‘fingerprint’ in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozoneClimate

Scientists find a human ‘fingerprint’ in the upper troposphere’s increasing ozone

Knowing where to look for this signal will help researchers identify specific sources of the potent greenhouse gas. Jennifer Chu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology…
SourceSourceAugust 2, 2024 Full article
Japan’s youth and climate change
Japan’s youth and climate changeClimateScience

Japan’s youth and climate change

Study highlights need to improve awareness of climate change’s effects and potential solutions amongst 12- to 14-year-olds. By University of Tokyo Students in Japan are…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international study
Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international studyClimateScience

Climate change intensifies and prolongs cyclones: international study

Climate change means that tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia are developing faster, lasting longer and endangering more coastal communities, finds joint international study. By Nanyang…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Underwater mapping reveals new insights into melting of Antarctica’s ice shelves
Underwater mapping reveals new insights into melting of Antarctica’s ice shelvesScience

Underwater mapping reveals new insights into melting of Antarctica’s ice shelves

By University of East Anglia Clues to future sea level rise have been revealed by the first detailed maps of the underside of a floating…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
Reclaimed by floods, wildlife returns to Romania’s Danube Delta
Reclaimed by floods, wildlife returns to Romania’s Danube DeltaNews

Reclaimed by floods, wildlife returns to Romania’s Danube Delta

By Ani SANDU | AFP Mahmudia, Romania - Tour guide Eugen Grigorov steered his boat past half-underwater combine harvesters and last year's flooded crops in…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
‘Low-emissions’ food leaves some Paris Olympics athletes craving meat
‘Low-emissions’ food leaves some Paris Olympics athletes craving meatNews

‘Low-emissions’ food leaves some Paris Olympics athletes craving meat

Paris, France (AFP) - An ambition from Paris Olympics organisers to cut the carbon footprint of catering at this year's eco-friendly Games has run into…
SourceSourceAugust 1, 2024 Full article
What’s the weather like in the deep sea?
What’s the weather like in the deep sea?ClimateScience

What’s the weather like in the deep sea?

New Nature Geoscience study shows variable behavior of currents in the deep sea. By MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences | University of Bremen…
SourceSourceJuly 31, 2024 Full article
Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming faster
Image: Brown Cows on a Grassy Field
Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming fasterClimate

Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming faster

By Frontiers Evidence indicates that methane emissions were responsible for about half of global warming we’ve experienced so far—but compared to carbon dioxide, methane has…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article
Inside the political struggle at the IPCC that will determine the next six years of climate science
Hourglass with Earth inside with an glacier melting above - global warming concept
Inside the political struggle at the IPCC that will determine the next six years of climate scienceClimate

Inside the political struggle at the IPCC that will determine the next six years of climate science

Hannah Hughes | The Conversation The UN’s climate science advisory group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is currently meeting in Bulgaria to decide on a timeline…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article
Local food production saves costs and carbon
Local food production saves costs and carbonClimateScience

Local food production saves costs and carbon

Study highlights economic and environmental efficiency of Indigenous harvesting in the Canadian Arctic communities. By Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Emphasizing local food production…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article
Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate change
Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate changeClimateScience

Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate change

By David Danelski | University of California - Riverside California should take urgent and bold measures to adapt its $59 billion agriculture sector to climate…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article