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Winds and ocean eddies: a complex interaction shaping ocean weather
Illustration: Swirling eddies (ocean’s swirling currents)
Winds and ocean eddies: a complex interaction shaping ocean weatherScience

Winds and ocean eddies: a complex interaction shaping ocean weather

Summary: How does the atmosphere affect ocean weather? Summary: The ocean’s swirling currents, known as eddies, are more intricately connected to atmospheric winds than previously…
SourceSourceFebruary 1, 2025 Full article
MIT engineers pioneer advanced technology to transform CO2 into clean fuel
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MIT engineers pioneer advanced technology to transform CO2 into clean fuelScience

MIT engineers pioneer advanced technology to transform CO2 into clean fuel

As global efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions accelerate, researchers continue to search for practical and cost-effective solutions to convert captured carbon dioxide (CO2) into…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskNovember 14, 2024 Full article
How gravity can be harnessed to store renewable energy
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How gravity can be harnessed to store renewable energyNews

How gravity can be harnessed to store renewable energy

By Stella Morris | Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur Gravity energy storage is emerging as a viable solution to address a major challenge…
SourceSourceNovember 5, 2024 Full article
Unveiling algorithm to decode causality in complex systems
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Unveiling algorithm to decode causality in complex systemsScience

Unveiling algorithm to decode causality in complex systems

Understanding what drives change in complex systems — from natural ecosystems to engineered designs — is vital to advancing science and technology, yet such causal…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreNovember 1, 2024 Full article