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Economics Research

Study reveals unequal economic impact of erratic weather globally
Study reveals unequal economic impact of erratic weather globallyScience

Study reveals unequal economic impact of erratic weather globally

A new study from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) reveals that erratic weather events, exacerbated by global warming, are increasingly disrupting global…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 13, 2024 Full article
Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capital
Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capitalClimate

Companies that mitigate climate change reduce their cost of capital

Going green pays off. New research shows that when companies disclose their environmental impact—and work to mitigate it—they earn investor trust. By Hidemichi Fujii |…
SourceSourceJuly 8, 2024 Full article