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The Gulf Stream is wind-powered and could weaken from climate change
The Gulf Stream is wind-powered and could weaken from climate changeClimate

The Gulf Stream is wind-powered and could weaken from climate change

New evidence of changes to the Gulf Stream during the last ice age could indicate additional sensitivity to future climatic changes, finds a new study…
SourceSourceJuly 11, 2024 Full article
Bangladesh charges 26 for destruction of vast mangrove forest
Bangladesh charges 26 for destruction of vast mangrove forestNews

Bangladesh charges 26 for destruction of vast mangrove forest

Dhaka, Bangladesh (AFP) - Bangladeshi police have charged 26 people for destroying a swath of mangrove forest that protects the low-lying nation from storm surge…
SourceSourceJuly 11, 2024 Full article
Canada’s government links June heat wave to climate change
Canada’s government links June heat wave to climate changeClimateNews

Canada’s government links June heat wave to climate change

Montreal, Canada (AFP) - Canada's environment ministry said Tuesday that climate change made a recent east coast heat wave two to 10 times more likely,…
SourceSourceJuly 10, 2024 Full article
Covering Climate Now Announces Winners of the 2024 CCNow Journalism Awards
Covering Climate Now Announces Winners of the 2024 CCNow Journalism AwardsClimateNews

Covering Climate Now Announces Winners of the 2024 CCNow Journalism Awards

By CCNOW Today, the global journalism collaboration Covering Climate Now announced 51 winners of the 2024 CCNow Journalism Awards. Now in its fourth year, the…
SourceSourceJuly 9, 2024 Full article
Water stored under artificial turf could make cities cooler and safer to play in
Water stored under artificial turf could make cities cooler and safer to play inScience

Water stored under artificial turf could make cities cooler and safer to play in

Artificial turf with an integrated subsurface water storage and irrigation system could make sports courts safer and cooler while helping cities with water and flood…
SourceSourceJuly 9, 2024 Full article
Six dead in Tokyo as Japan swelters in heatwave
Six dead in Tokyo as Japan swelters in heatwaveNews

Six dead in Tokyo as Japan swelters in heatwave

By Tomohiro OSAKI | AFP Tokyo, Japan - Six people have died of heatstroke in Tokyo as Japan swelters under a rare rainy season heatwave,…
SourceSourceJuly 9, 2024 Full article
Tackling the Climate and Housing Crises: Promoting Compact Living in Europe
Tackling the Climate and Housing Crises: Promoting Compact Living in EuropeClimate

Tackling the Climate and Housing Crises: Promoting Compact Living in Europe

By Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Future European Union housing policy must address the twin challenges of providing adequate housing for…
SourceSourceJuly 8, 2024 Full article
June hottest on record, beating 2023 high: EU climate monitor
June hottest on record, beating 2023 high: EU climate monitorNews

June hottest on record, beating 2023 high: EU climate monitor

Paris, France (AFP) - Last month was the hottest June on record, beating the previous high set a year earlier, the EU's climate monitor said…
SourceSourceJuly 8, 2024 Full article
The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets
The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheetsScience

The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets

For the first time, the recovery of unique geological samples combined with sophisticated modelling provides surprising insights into when and where today's Antarctic ice sheet…
SourceSourceJuly 5, 2024 Full article
Cool roofs are best at beating cities’ heat
Cool roofs are best at beating cities’ heatClimate

Cool roofs are best at beating cities’ heat

By University College London Painting roofs white or covering them with a reflective coating would be more effective at cooling cities like London than vegetation-covered…
SourceSourceJuly 5, 2024 Full article
Climate change drives tree species towards colder, wetter regions
Climate change drives tree species towards colder, wetter regionsClimate

Climate change drives tree species towards colder, wetter regions

By University of Birmingham Climate change is likely to drive tree species towards colder and wetter regions of their geographical distribution, a new study has…
SourceSourceJuly 4, 2024 Full article
Music festivals seek greener footprint
Music festivals seek greener footprintNews

Music festivals seek greener footprint

By Philippe GRELARD | AFP Paris, France - Three planes, 270 tonnes of equipment, 800 square metres of stage: the figures from Madonna's massive free…
SourceSourceJuly 4, 2024 Full article
EVs alone won’t save us from climate catastrophe
EVs alone won’t save us from climate catastropheClimate

EVs alone won’t save us from climate catastrophe

By Lily Rau, Climateworks Centre, Melbourne | 360info Zero-emissions vehicles would need to hit 73 percent of new light vehicle sales by 2030 to keep transport…
SourceSourceJuly 3, 2024 Full article
Google greenhouse gas emissions grow as it powers AI
Google greenhouse gas emissions grow as it powers AIClimateNews

Google greenhouse gas emissions grow as it powers AI

San Francisco, United States (AFP) - Google, despite its goal of achieving net-zero emissions, is pumping out more greenhouse gas than before as it powers…
SourceSourceJuly 3, 2024 Full article
Australian bushfire ash is deadly for aquatic life
Australian bushfire ash is deadly for aquatic lifeClimate

Australian bushfire ash is deadly for aquatic life

By Society for Experimental Biology While the impact of wildfires on terrestrial life has been well studied, only recently has research started to examine the…
SourceSourceJuly 2, 2024 Full article
Dampening the “seeds” of hurricanes
Dampening the “seeds” of hurricanesClimate

Dampening the “seeds” of hurricanes

By Audrey Merket, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Increased atmospheric moisture may alter critical weather patterns over…
SourceSourceJuly 2, 2024 Full article
Climate change ignored? Study reveals sociology’s blind spot
Climate change ignored? Study reveals sociology’s blind spotClimate

Climate change ignored? Study reveals sociology’s blind spot

By Tevah Platt, Institute for Social Research - University of Michigan A recent University of Michigan study exposes a gap in sociology: a lack of…
SourceSourceJuly 1, 2024 Full article
Novel spectroscopy technique sheds light on NOx reduction
Novel spectroscopy technique sheds light on NOx reductionScience

Novel spectroscopy technique sheds light on NOx reduction

By Lehigh University When power plants burn fossil fuels at high temperatures, nitrogen and oxygen molecules break apart and then recombine to form a class…
SourceSourceJuly 1, 2024 Full article
Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts
Video game designers battle to depict climate impactsClimateNews

Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts

By Kilian FICHOU | AFP Paris, France - Game designer Sam Alfred is keenly aware of the challenge he faces in trying to build a…
SourceSourceJune 29, 2024 Full article
Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient
Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilientScience

Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

By Helene Eriksen | Aarhus University Climate change, drought, increased temperature and other stressors challenge agricultural sustainability. Researchers have now made an unexpected discovery: zinc…
SourceSourceJune 28, 2024 Full article