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Climate Change

Ocean waves, global impact: surf spots as climate change allies
Ocean waves, global impact: surf spots as climate change alliesScience

Ocean waves, global impact: surf spots as climate change allies

Nearly 90 million metric tonnes of planet-warming carbon found surrounding surf breaks across the world; U.S., Australia, Indonesia, Brazil identified as conservation priorities. By Conservation…
SourceSourceAugust 13, 2024 Full article
Shifting dietary habits may reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Shifting dietary habits may reduce greenhouse gas emissionsClimateNews

Shifting dietary habits may reduce greenhouse gas emissions

By University of Birmingham Planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions associated with the global food supply chains induced by diets could fall by 17% if people change…
SourceSourceAugust 13, 2024 Full article
Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goals
Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goalsScience

Balancing technology and governance are key to achieving climate goals

By International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Despite advancements in clean energy, global CO2 emissions continue to rise. IIASA researchers contributed to a new…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”
Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”Climate

Just Say “Climate Change”, not “Climate Emergency”

USC study reveals that people are more familiar with tried-and-true names for climate change – including climate change. By Lance Ignon | University of Southern…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security?
The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security?Climate

The Mekong is in transition, what does it mean for food security?

By: Shauna Downs, Rutgers University | Swetha Manohar, International Food Policy Research Institute | Serey Sok and Nyda Chhinh , Royal University of Phnom Penh…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
Thousands flee as wildfires bear down on Greek capital
Thousands flee as wildfires bear down on Greek capitalNews

Thousands flee as wildfires bear down on Greek capital

By Anna Maria Jakubek with Marina Rafenberg in Athens | AFP Penteli, Greece (UPDATED) - Thousands of people living around Athens fled their homes on…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
Mature forests vital in fight against climate change
Mature forests vital in fight against climate changeClimateScience

Mature forests vital in fight against climate change

By Alex Morrison | University of Exeter Mature forests have a key role to play in the fight against climate change – extracting carbon dioxide…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
Urban trees suffer more from heat and drought than rural trees, study finds
Urban trees suffer more from heat and drought than rural trees, study findsScience

Urban trees suffer more from heat and drought than rural trees, study finds

By CUNY ASRC A new study published in Ecological Applications details how trees in New York City and Boston are more negatively impacted by heat…
SourceSourceAugust 12, 2024 Full article
As temperatures break records, many are unaware of symptoms of heat-related illnesses
As temperatures break records, many are unaware of symptoms of heat-related illnessesScience

As temperatures break records, many are unaware of symptoms of heat-related illnesses

Increasing numbers link extreme heat to climate change. By Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania With NASA data showing that July 22,…
SourceSourceAugust 10, 2024 Full article
Long-term coral reef monitoring continues to deliver crucial insights
Long-term coral reef monitoring continues to deliver crucial insightsNewsScience

Long-term coral reef monitoring continues to deliver crucial insights

By American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) As the effects of a changing climate and other ecological insults compound, many coral reefs face severe perturbations…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton
Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake BalatonScience

Non-biting midges help us understand how to protect Lake Balaton

By Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) What was Lake Balaton like in its natural state, and when did it change? Can its near-natural condition still be…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Plants defy odds, thriving in some of the world’s harshest climates
Plants defy odds, thriving in some of the world’s harshest climatesScience

Plants defy odds, thriving in some of the world’s harshest climates

Study sheds new light on the capacity of plants to respond to climate change. By Katie Spenceley | University of Sydney The study is an…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Millions of years for plants to recover from global warming
Millions of years for plants to recover from global warmingClimate

Millions of years for plants to recover from global warming

Catastrophic volcanic eruptions that warmed the planet millions of years ago shed new light on how plants evolve and regulate climate. Researchers reveal the long-term…
SourceSourceAugust 9, 2024 Full article
Shift focus to well-being, not growth: a new approach for climate-smart living
Shift focus to well-being, not growth: a new approach for climate-smart livingScience

Shift focus to well-being, not growth: a new approach for climate-smart living

By Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Ensuring the well-being of citizens while reducing resource consumption has proved to be a massive…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainability
Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainabilityClimate

Increasing clinicians’ knowledge about climate change’s impact on health and healthcare sustainability

By Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) An educational program emphasizing the relationship that climate change has with health and health care environmental sustainability was well-received by…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Detecting climate change using aerosols
Detecting climate change using aerosolsClimateScience

Detecting climate change using aerosols

Researchers propose a new metric using aerosols to understand changes in transboundary air pollution pathways due to climate changes. By Chiba University Climate change is…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Climate change is fuelling rise in hot nights: analysis
Climate change is fuelling rise in hot nights: analysisClimateNews

Climate change is fuelling rise in hot nights: analysis

Paris, France (AFP) - Human-induced climate change is significantly increasing the number of hot nights for nearly one in three people around the world, a…
SourceSourceAugust 8, 2024 Full article
Repetition boosts belief in climate-skeptical claims, even among climate science endorsers
Repetition boosts belief in climate-skeptical claims, even among climate science endorsersClimateNewsScience

Repetition boosts belief in climate-skeptical claims, even among climate science endorsers

A single repetition increased the claims’ perceived truth for the strongest climate science supporters surveyed. By PLOS ONE Climate science supporters rated climate-skeptical statements as…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Most existing heat wave indices fail to capture heatwave severity
Most existing heat wave indices fail to capture heatwave severityNewsScience

Most existing heat wave indices fail to capture heatwave severity

By Cell Press Even though climate change is bringing more frequent and severe heat waves, there is no standard, global way to measure heat-wave severity,…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?
How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?ClimateNews

How well will different US forests remove atmospheric carbon in the future?

By Wiley Forests absorb carbon by capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, making forest carbon stocks an important resource against climate change. In research published…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Disaster plant pathology: solutions to combat agricultural threats from disasters
Disaster plant pathology: solutions to combat agricultural threats from disastersClimate

Disaster plant pathology: solutions to combat agricultural threats from disasters

By American Phytopathological Society An often-overlooked component of natural and human-driven disasters is their potential to affect plant health and thus food security at domestic…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Individuals vary in how air pollution impacts their mood
Individuals vary in how air pollution impacts their moodNewsScience

Individuals vary in how air pollution impacts their mood

Statistical models show how daily air pollution is linked to a person’s affective states. By PLOS ONE Affective sensitivity to air pollution (ASAP) describes the…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research shows
Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research showsClimate

Great Barrier Reef facing catastrophic damage, research shows

By University of Melbourne The Great Barrier Reef is under significant pressure, with warming sea temperatures and mass coral bleaching events threatening to destroy the…
SourceSourceAugust 7, 2024 Full article
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts
Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation effortsScience

Antarctic-wide survey of plant life to aid conservation efforts

The first continent-wide mapping study of plant life across Antarctica reveals growth in previously uncharted areas and is set to inform conservation measures across the…
SourceSourceAugust 6, 2024 Full article