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Climate Change

Extreme wildfires have doubled in just 20 years – here’s the science
Extreme wildfires have doubled in just 20 years – here’s the scienceClimate

Extreme wildfires have doubled in just 20 years – here’s the science

By Víctor Fernández García and Cristina Santín, The Conversation It feels like we are getting used to the Earth being on fire. Recently, more than 70 wildfires burned…
SourceSourceJuly 1, 2024 Full article
Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts
Video game designers battle to depict climate impactsClimateNews

Video game designers battle to depict climate impacts

By Kilian FICHOU | AFP Paris, France - Game designer Sam Alfred is keenly aware of the challenge he faces in trying to build a…
SourceSourceJune 29, 2024 Full article
Climate change to shift tropical rains northward
Climate change to shift tropical rains northwardClimateScience

Climate change to shift tropical rains northward

By David Danelski | University of California - Riverside A study led by a UC Riverside atmospheric scientist predicts that unchecked carbon emissions will force…
SourceSourceJune 28, 2024 Full article
Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change
Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental changeClimateScience

Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change

By University of Helsinki Researchers predict that climate change will drive a substantial redistribution of brown seaweeds and seagrasses at the global scale. The projected…
SourceSourceJune 28, 2024 Full article
Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought
Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thoughtClimateScience

Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought

By University of Cambridge Slush – water-soaked snow – makes up more than half of all meltwater on the Antarctic ice shelves during the height…
SourceSourceJune 27, 2024 Full article
Climate crisis sees rise in illegal water markets in the Middle East
Climate crisis sees rise in illegal water markets in the Middle EastClimate

Climate crisis sees rise in illegal water markets in the Middle East

By Christian Klassert, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, and Samer Talozi, Jordan University for Science and Technology In Jordan’s cities, green tanker trucks supplying water…
SourceSourceJune 27, 2024 Full article
Climate lawsuits against companies on the rise: report
Climate lawsuits against companies on the rise: reportClimateNews

Climate lawsuits against companies on the rise: report

By Linda GIVETASH | AFP Paris, France - Companies worldwide have faced mounting legal pressure to reduce their impact on global warming as activists use…
SourceSourceJune 27, 2024 Full article
Underwater mountains have a big impact on ocean circulation
Underwater mountains have a big impact on ocean circulationClimateScience

Underwater mountains have a big impact on ocean circulation

By University of Cambridge Colossal undersea mountains, towering up to thousands of metres high, stir up deep sea currents: impacting how our ocean stores heat…
SourceSourceJune 26, 2024 Full article
Half of world’s lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be
Half of world’s lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to beScience

Half of world’s lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be

By American Geophysical Union Nearly half of the world’s large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in…
SourceSourceJune 26, 2024 Full article
Public health beliefs predict support for climate action, study shows
Public health beliefs predict support for climate action, study showsClimateScience

Public health beliefs predict support for climate action, study shows

By Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania In a paper published in the current issue of the Journal of Health Communication by…
SourceSourceJune 26, 2024 Full article
New tipping point discovered beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
New tipping point discovered beneath the Antarctic ice sheetClimateScience

New tipping point discovered beneath the Antarctic ice sheet

By British Antarctic Survey (BAS) Warm water that seeps underneath can melt ice in way not yet included in models. A new and worrying way…
SourceSourceJune 25, 2024 Full article
Ultrafine particles from planes put 52 million Europeans at risk of serious health conditions
Ultrafine particles from planes put 52 million Europeans at risk of serious health conditionsClimate

Ultrafine particles from planes put 52 million Europeans at risk of serious health conditions

By Transport & Environment (T&E) A new study by green group Transport & Environment (T&E) suggests that thousands of cases of high blood pressure, diabetes and dementia…
SourceSourceJune 25, 2024 Full article
Extreme bushfires increasing in number and intensity
Extreme bushfires increasing in number and intensityClimateNewsScience

Extreme bushfires increasing in number and intensity

By University of Tasmania Extreme bushfires have more than doubled in frequency and intensity over the past two decades, according to a global study from…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Satellite Navigation Revolutionizes Sea Ice Thickness Mapping
Satellite Navigation Revolutionizes Sea Ice Thickness MappingClimateScience

Satellite Navigation Revolutionizes Sea Ice Thickness Mapping

By Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences A cutting-edge study harnesses the power of spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (GNSS-R) technology to accurately…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thought
CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thoughtClimateScience

CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thought

By Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research A doubling of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause an increase in the average temperature…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Climate change accelerates emergence of insects
Climate change accelerates emergence of insectsClimateScience

Climate change accelerates emergence of insects

By Jess Whitty | La Trobe University Researchers at La Trobe University’s Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems have exposed the hidden consequences of climate change on…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Desert Power: Cactus Pear as a Promising Biofuel Crop
Desert Power: Cactus Pear as a Promising Biofuel CropScience

Desert Power: Cactus Pear as a Promising Biofuel Crop

By John Seelmeyer, University of Nevada, Reno As much of the world prepares for hotter and drier growing seasons as the result of climate change, a…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?
What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?ClimateNews

What will my city’s climate feel like in 60 years?

By University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Climate change has already begun to transform planet Earth, and over the next few decades these dramatic…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Supporting the right small changes can have big impacts
Supporting the right small changes can have big impactsClimateScience

Supporting the right small changes can have big impacts

By International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Small changes in our everyday actions can trigger significant, rapid societal shifts especially when it comes to…
SourceSourceJune 22, 2024 Full article
Up to 30 percent more time: Climate change makes it harder for women to collect water
Up to 30 percent more time: Climate change makes it harder for women to collect waterClimateScience

Up to 30 percent more time: Climate change makes it harder for women to collect water

By Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) By 2050, climate change could increase the amount of time women in households without running water spend…
SourceSourceJune 22, 2024 Full article
Expanding refugee protection for a changing climate
Expanding refugee protection for a changing climateClimate

Expanding refugee protection for a changing climate

By Jane McAdam, UNSW in Sydney | 360info Current refugee and human rights law principles still apply when climate change and disasters amplify the risk…
SourceSourceJune 22, 2024 Full article
Thousands march in London to call for ‘urgent’ climate action
Thousands march in London to call for ‘urgent’ climate actionClimateNews

Thousands march in London to call for ‘urgent’ climate action

By Akshata KAPOOR | AFP London, United Kingdom - Thousands of protestors from across the UK marched through central London on Saturday to call for…
SourceSourceJune 22, 2024 Full article
Food’s climate footprint was once again MIA at global talks
Food’s climate footprint was once again MIA at global talksNews

Food’s climate footprint was once again MIA at global talks

By Ayurella Horn-Muller, Grist This story was originally published by Grist. Sign up for Grist’s weekly newsletter here. Last week, the leaders of the world’s seven biggest…
SourceSourceJune 21, 2024 Full article