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Carbon Dioxide

New humidity-driven membrane to remove carbon dioxide from the air
New humidity-driven membrane to remove carbon dioxide from the airClimateScience

New humidity-driven membrane to remove carbon dioxide from the air

A new ambient-energy-driven membrane that pumps carbon dioxide out of the air has been developed by Newcastle University researchers. By Newcastle University Direct air capture…
SourceSourceJuly 19, 2024 Full article
New carbon storage technology is fastest of its kind
New carbon storage technology is fastest of its kindScience

New carbon storage technology is fastest of its kind

By The University of Texas at Austin | The Cockrell School of Engineering A new way to store carbon captured from the atmosphere developed by…
SourceSourceJuly 9, 2024 Full article
Synthetic fuels and chemicals from CO₂: Ten experiments in parallel
Synthetic fuels and chemicals from CO₂: Ten experiments in parallelNewsScience

Synthetic fuels and chemicals from CO₂: Ten experiments in parallel

By Anna Ettlin | Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) If you mix fossil fuel with a little oxygen and add a…
SourceSourceJune 28, 2024 Full article