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Trees reveal climate surprise: bark removes methane from the atmosphere
Trees reveal climate surprise: bark removes methane from the atmosphereClimateScience

Trees reveal climate surprise: bark removes methane from the atmosphere

By University of Birmingham Tree bark surfaces play an important role in removing methane gas from the atmosphere, according to a study published in Nature.…
SourceSourceJuly 25, 2024 Full article
Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamics
Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamicsScience

Complex impact of large wildfires on ozone layer dynamics

Huge smoke-charged vortex doubles aerosol burden in the middle stratosphere and buffers ozone depletion. By Max Planck Institute for Chemistry In a revelation highlighting the…
SourceSourceJuly 13, 2024 Full article
Weaker ocean circulation could enhance CO2 buildup in the atmosphere, study shows
Weaker ocean circulation could enhance CO2 buildup in the atmosphere, study showsClimate

Weaker ocean circulation could enhance CO2 buildup in the atmosphere, study shows

New findings challenge current thinking on the ocean’s role in storing carbon. By Jennifer Chu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) As climate change advances,…
SourceSourceJuly 8, 2024 Full article
Early-onset El Niño means warmer winters in East Asia, and vice versa
Early-onset El Niño means warmer winters in East Asia, and vice versaClimate

Early-onset El Niño means warmer winters in East Asia, and vice versa

By Masahiro Shiozaki | Kyushu University The phenomenon known as El Niño can cause abnormal and extreme climate around the world due to it dramatically…
SourceSourceJuly 3, 2024 Full article
El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months with innovative physics-based model
El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months with innovative physics-based modelClimateScience

El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months with innovative physics-based model

By University of Hawaii at Manoa Across Asia, the Pacific Ocean, and the Americas, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) brings variations in winds, weather, and…
SourceSourceJune 26, 2024 Full article
CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thought
CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thoughtClimateScience

CO2 puts heavier stamp on temperature than thought

By Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research A doubling of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere could cause an increase in the average temperature…
SourceSourceJune 24, 2024 Full article
Large wildfires create weather that favors more fire
Large wildfires create weather that favors more fireClimateScience

Large wildfires create weather that favors more fire

By Jules Bernstein, University of California - Riverside A new UC Riverside study shows soot from large wildfires in California traps sunlight, making days warmer…
SourceSourceJune 18, 2024 Full article