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Air Travel

Study finds rerouting flights to avoid contrails reduces climate impact
Study finds rerouting flights to avoid contrails reduces climate impactClimate

Study finds rerouting flights to avoid contrails reduces climate impact

A new study alleviates concerns that rerouting flights to avoid forming contrails - high-altitude clouds known to contribute to climate warming - might inadvertently harm…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 16, 2024 Full article
How Arctic air movement is shaping climate change
How Arctic air movement is shaping climate changeClimate

How Arctic air movement is shaping climate change

Researchers are making significant strides in understanding the complex climate dynamics of the Arctic, particularly in how air masses move and transform within this rapidly…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 4, 2024 Full article
True scale of carbon impact from long-distance travel revealed
True scale of carbon impact from long-distance travel revealedClimateScience

True scale of carbon impact from long-distance travel revealed

By University of Leeds The reality of the climate impact of long-distance passenger travel has been revealed in new research from the University of Leeds.…
SourceSourceJuly 2, 2024 Full article