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Optimizing vertical farming by varying light, humidity, and other growing conditions
vertical farm muser res
Optimizing vertical farming by varying light, humidity, and other growing conditionsScience

Optimizing vertical farming by varying light, humidity, and other growing conditions

How can we provide healthy, vitamin-rich food to growing urban populations? One solution is to cultivate crops indoors, in stacked layers of growing platforms. Such…
SourceSourceOctober 12, 2024 Full article
Researchers uncover plant genes for anti-stress molecule to boost crop resilience
Spartina Ben Miller res
Researchers uncover plant genes for anti-stress molecule to boost crop resilienceScience

Researchers uncover plant genes for anti-stress molecule to boost crop resilience

In a breakthrough for sustainable agriculture, researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) have identified the genes responsible for the production of a unique…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreOctober 9, 2024 Full article
Turning dairy farm methane into biogas could save UK £400 million annually, study
herd cows muser res
Turning dairy farm methane into biogas could save UK £400 million annually, studyNewsScience

Turning dairy farm methane into biogas could save UK £400 million annually, study

New research reveals that methane emissions from slurry stores on dairy farms may be up to five times greater than official estimates suggest, offering a…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreOctober 3, 2024 Full article
Denmark can meet nitrogen reduction targets with Green Tripartite Agreement, but challenges remain
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Denmark can meet nitrogen reduction targets with Green Tripartite Agreement, but challenges remainNews

Denmark can meet nitrogen reduction targets with Green Tripartite Agreement, but challenges remain

A recalculation of Denmark's nitrogen reduction targets, known as the second opinion, has provided a stronger foundation for environmental efforts, particularly regarding the country's aquatic…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 24, 2024 Full article
Agriculture’s path to becoming a carbon capture powerhouse
Image: Rice field
Agriculture’s path to becoming a carbon capture powerhouseClimate

Agriculture’s path to becoming a carbon capture powerhouse

The global food system is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, making the reduction of these emissions a top priority for climate…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 24, 2024 Full article
Century-old barley experiment unlocks genetic secrets for climate-resilient crops
Century-old barley experiment unlocks genetic secrets for climate-resilient cropsNewsScience

Century-old barley experiment unlocks genetic secrets for climate-resilient crops

A century-old experiment, initiated before the Great Depression, has led scientists to uncover the genetic keys behind barley's remarkable adaptability. This discovery could safeguard barley,…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreSeptember 11, 2024 Full article
Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming faster
Image: Brown Cows on a Grassy Field
Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming fasterClimate

Three-step plan to cut overlooked methane emissions could help us stop global warming faster

By Frontiers Evidence indicates that methane emissions were responsible for about half of global warming we’ve experienced so far—but compared to carbon dioxide, methane has…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article
Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate change
Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate changeClimateScience

Bold moves needed for California agriculture to adapt to climate change

By David Danelski | University of California - Riverside California should take urgent and bold measures to adapt its $59 billion agriculture sector to climate…
SourceSourceJuly 30, 2024 Full article
One in 11 people went hungry last year. Climate change is a big reason why
One in 11 people went hungry last year. Climate change is a big reason whyClimate

One in 11 people went hungry last year. Climate change is a big reason why

Hunger and food insecurity are no longer merely benchmarks of public health. They are symptoms of a warming world. By Ayurella Horn-Muller | Grist One…
SourceSourceJuly 29, 2024 Full article
Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer
Image: Sunny meadow landscape (s. climate, ozone layer, emissions)
Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layerScience

Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer

Farming methods can reduce nitrous oxide emissions without slowing down the overall recovery of the ozone layer, results from new research have shown. Adding crushed…
SourceSourceJuly 10, 2024 Full article
Emerging economies to drive agricultural markets amid shifting regional dynamics
Emerging economies to drive agricultural markets amid shifting regional dynamicsNews

Emerging economies to drive agricultural markets amid shifting regional dynamics

Emerging economies are set to remain the key drivers of global agricultural market growth over the next decade, according to the newly released OECD-FAO Agricultural…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreJuly 2, 2024 Full article
For sustainable livestock farming bordering the Amazon Rainforest, look to the women
Image: Brown Horse on Green Grass Field
For sustainable livestock farming bordering the Amazon Rainforest, look to the womenClimate

For sustainable livestock farming bordering the Amazon Rainforest, look to the women

By The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture When trees and livestock compete for land, the trees usually lose. It…
SourceSourceJune 19, 2024 Full article
The diet change that can also help the planet
The diet change that can also help the planetFacts

The diet change that can also help the planet

By Mahya Tavan, Sustainable Nutrition Initiative Choosing foods that are good for us, good for the planet, accessible and affordable is a complex problem to…
SourceSourceJune 17, 2024 Full article
From wild to domesticated: Scientists reveal 100,000 years of continuous rice evolution
From wild to domesticated: Scientists reveal 100,000 years of continuous rice evolutionScience

From wild to domesticated: Scientists reveal 100,000 years of continuous rice evolution

By Zhang Nannan, Chinese Academy of Sciences According to a study published in Science on May 24, scientists have used phytolith analysis and other methods…
SourceSourceMay 27, 2024 Full article
Culling controversy as French wolf population falls in 2023
Culling controversy as French wolf population falls in 2023News

Culling controversy as French wolf population falls in 2023

By Laure FILLON | AFP Lyon, France - The estimated number of wolves in France last year was 1,003, down nine percent from the year…
SourceSourceMay 23, 2024 Full article
Finland’s wizards making food out of thin air
Solein food
Finland’s wizards making food out of thin airNews

Finland’s wizards making food out of thin air

By Anna KORKMAN | AFP Vantaa, Finland - At a factory in Finland, the "farmers of the future" are making a new food protein by…
SourceSourceMay 23, 2024 Full article
Scientists win World Food Prize for work on Global Seed Vault
Scientists win World Food Prize for work on Global Seed VaultNews

Scientists win World Food Prize for work on Global Seed Vault

By Juliette MICHEL Paris, France - Scientists Geoffrey Hawtin and Cary Fowler, who on Thursday received the prestigious World Food Prize for "their work to…
SourceSourceMay 9, 2024 Full article
EU’s climate ambitions for 2040 at risk due to lackluster agricultural policies
Graphic news (s. climate, science, research, scientists)
EU’s climate ambitions for 2040 at risk due to lackluster agricultural policiesNews

EU’s climate ambitions for 2040 at risk due to lackluster agricultural policies

In a recent communication from the European Commission outlining the climate targets for 2040 and the Industrial Carbon Management (ICM) strategy, concerns have been raised…
Muser NewsDeskMuser NewsDeskFebruary 10, 2024 Full article
Global sugar crisis hits desserts: Highest prices since 2011 linked to climate change
Global sugar crisis hits desserts: Highest prices since 2011 linked to climate changeClimateNews

Global sugar crisis hits desserts: Highest prices since 2011 linked to climate change

The sweet indulgence of desserts is under threat as the global cost of sugar skyrockets to its highest level since 2011. This surge is a…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreJanuary 9, 2024 Full article
Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and gender
Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and genderClimateNews

Accelerating innovations: mitigating climate change impact on health, agriculture, and gender

In the face of an escalating climate crisis, innovative solutions are crucial to addressing the multifaceted challenges that impact health, agriculture, and gender. The Rockefeller…
Adrian AlexandreAdrian AlexandreDecember 4, 2023 Full article