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Green recipe: Engineered yeast boosts D-lactic acid production
Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have discovered the ideal genetic “recipe” to turn yeast into a tiny yet powerful eco-friendly factory that converts methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound used in biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. This approach could help reduce reliance on petroleum-based processes and contribute to more sustainable chemical production.
The study was published in Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts.

Lactic acid is widely used in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and bioplastics. It exists in two forms: L-lactic acid and D-lactic acid. Compared to its counterpart, D-lactic acid is much less available and much more expensive.
“Most lactic acid bacteria can only produce L-lactic acid whilst chemical synthesis methods yield only a mixture of both forms,” said Ryosuke Yamada, an associate professor at Osaka Metropolitan University’s Graduate School of Engineering and lead author of this study.
Seeking a more efficient way to produce D-lactic acid, the team turned to Komagataella phaffii, a yeast capable of utilizing methanol. Their goal was to pinpoint the optimal combination of D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH) genes and promoters in K. phaffii that would maximize the yeast’s ability to produce D-lactic acid from methanol. D-LDH is a key enzyme responsible for converting precursor molecules into D-lactic acid, while promoters are DNA sequences that regulate gene expression.
After testing five different D-LDH genes and eight promoters, the researchers identified an ideal mix that boosted D-lactic acid production by 1.5 times compared to other methanol-based methods.
“To the best of our knowledge, our engineered yeast achieved the highest-ever reported yield using methanol as the sole carbon source,” Yamada said.
These findings show that engineered yeast strains can be tailored to produce a wide range of useful compounds for commercial use. With growing global concerns over fossil fuels depletion and environmental impact, the ability to synthesize chemicals from renewable carbon sources like methanol is deemed a critical advancement for sustainability.
“This study demonstrates that by carefully optimizing gene and promoter combinations, we can significantly enhance the efficiency of microbial processes, offering a viable alternative to traditional, petroleum-based chemical production,” Yamada said.
Journal Reference:
Inoue, Y., Yamada, R., Matsumoto, T. et al., ‘Enhancing D-lactic acid production by optimizing the expression of D-LDH gene in methylotrophic yeast Komagataella phaffii’, Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts 17, 149 (2024). DOI: 10.1186/s13068-024-02596-0
Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Osaka Metropolitan University
Climate warming and heatwaves accelerate global lake deoxygenation, study reveals
Freshwater ecosystems require adequate oxygen levels to sustain aerobic life and maintain healthy biological communities. However, both long-term climate warming and the increasing frequency and intensity of short-term heatwaves are significantly reducing surface dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in lakes worldwide, according to a new study published in Science Advances.
Led by Prof. SHI Kun and Prof. ZHANG Yunlin from the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with researchers from the Nanjing University and the UK’s Bangor University, the study quantifies the effects of continuous climate warming and intensified heatwave events on surface DO levels in lakes worldwide. The research team utilized an extensive dataset and applied a data-driven model to analyze surface DO variations across more than 15,000 lakes over the past two decades.
The study reveals a widespread decline in surface DO concentrations, with 83% of the studied lakes exhibiting significant deoxygenation. Notably, the average rate of deoxygenation in lakes exceeds that of both oceans and rivers, highlighting the severity of this issue.
The researchers further explored the roles of climate warming and eutrophication in shaping surface DO concentrations. Their findings indicate that climate warming, by reducing oxygen solubility, contributes to 55% of global surface deoxygenation. Meanwhile, increasing eutrophication accounts for approximately 10% of the total global surface oxygen loss.
Historical trends in heatwaves were also analyzed, with their impacts on surface DO levels quantitatively assessed. The study shows that heatwaves exert rapid and pronounced effects on surface DO decline, resulting in a 7.7% reduction in surface DO compared to conditions under average climatological temperatures.
These findings underscore the profound impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems, emphasizing the urgent need for mitigation and adaptation strategies to preserve lake ecosystems worldwide. The study provides crucial insights for policymakers and environmental managers working to combat the escalating threat of freshwater deoxygenation.
Journal Reference:
Yibo Zhang, Kun Shi, R. Iestyn Woolway, Xiwen Wang, and Yunlin Zhang, ‘Climate warming and heatwaves accelerate global lake deoxygenation’, Science Advances 11, 12, eadt5369 (2025). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adt5369
Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology | Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
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