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Explore the latest insights from top science journals in the Muser Press daily roundup, featuring impactful research on climate change challenges.

Stronger stress response in monkeys helps them survive

UCLA – White-faced capuchin monkeys in Costa Rica who experienced more intense physiological responses to mild droughts were more fit to survive extreme drought, researchers found in a new UCLA-led study.

Most research on wild animals and humans is focused on the damage that stress response causes to a system — “the wear-and-tear.”

In this new study, however, published in the journal of Science Advances, a team of researchers sought to examine the adaptive nature of the stress response in wild primates and how a more robust stress response might help them when faced with catastrophic events.

“We wanted to understand how the stress response adaptively helps these individuals survive greater challenges,” Susan Perry, a UCLA evolutionary anthropologist, field primatologist and co-author of the study, said.

Capuchin monkeys
Capuchin monkeys: Researchers have been documenting the lives of these monkeys and studying their social behaviors and survival strategies for 35 years. Credit: Ulrich P. | Pixabay

In the absence of an experimental design that could apply the same stressor to all individuals in a population, the researchers took advantage of a natural experiment — a particularly severe El Niño drought — to investigate the relationship between hormonal responses to this extreme stressor and survival outcomes of white-faced capuchins at the Lomas Barbudal Capuchin Monkey Project in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

In Guanacaste, Perry and a team of researchers have been documenting the lives of monkeys and studying their social behaviors and survival strategies for 35 years. For this particular study, Perry’s research group (including current and former graduate students, and research assistants Irene Godoy, Ashley Mensing, Juliane Damm and Colleen Gault) collaborated with University of Michigan researchers Jacinta Beehner and Sofia Carrera.

How a drought led to discovery

The El Niño drought that spread across Central and South America from 2014 to 2016 was the biggest in recent history and led to the deaths of many monkeys. While devastating for the monkeys and the researchers who have studied them for so long, Perry’s team was able to make use of the environmental circumstances and samples collected from the six years prior to study the relationship between the endocrinologic stress response and survival in the white-faced capuchins.

During the drought, the monkeys started to lose weight, revealing vertebrae and rib cages, and mothers even rejected caring for and nursing their infants, abandoning them to go forage. Monkeys who would normally babysit infants in a mother’s absence also were not taking on child care responsibilities.

Mortality rates soared, particularly for infants and older females. This was the only time in Perry’s long-term study that these monkeys, who are usually behaviorally flexible, failed to adapt to an environmental stressor by simply changing how they behaved (e.g., changing their diet).

For 14 female monkeys who survived and 14 who had died, the researchers analyzed glucocorticoid levels in fecal material that had been collected from them in the six years prior to the El Niño drought (2008-2013). Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones that regulate metabolism, inflammation and the immune system.

What glucocorticoids in monkey fecal matter revealed

The researchers discovered that the monkeys who showed a steeper rise in these stress hormones during the mild droughts were more likely to survive the severe El Niño drought than those monkeys who experienced less of a stress response. The findings controlled for other conditions known to affect these hormone levels, such as pregnancy and time of day.

With a clearer picture of what an adaptive stress response looks like for this species and population, Perry’s team can begin to ask questions about the origin and maintenance of individual differences in the endocrine stress response and whether these differences affect survival.

The study also puts a spotlight on the value of long-term studies in the face of climate change. As weather intensifies globally, longitudinal studies of how wild animals cope with changes in temperature, rainfall and food availability can help us understand which species can adapt rapidly through learning or physiological flexibility and which species lack the ability to cope with major environmental changes during their lifetimes.

This knowledge can be useful for conservation reasons. For example, a population of highly endangered animals that cannot quickly adapt to change might need to be moved to a place that now has climatic conditions that match the environment in which that population evolved.

Journal Reference:
Sofia C. Carrera et al. ‘Stress responsiveness in a wild primate predicts survival across an extreme El Niño drought’, Science Advances 11, eadq5020 (2025). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adq5020

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA)

Transforming CO2 and H2O into fuel and chemicals using light-driven Zn-GaN catalysts

Science China Press – Global efforts to mitigate climate change and reduce CO2 emissions have inspired research in artificial photosynthesis, which mimics nature’s ability to convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into valuable fuels and chemicals.

A research team led by Prof. Baowen Zhou and executed primarily by Dr. Muhammad Salman Nasir has developed an innovative Zn-decorated GaN nanowire catalyst.

This catalyst achieves high-efficiency conversion of CO2 and H2O into methane (CH4) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under light irradiation, offering a practical solution for sustainable fuel production.

Illustration: Structural and Functional Overview of Zn-GaN Catalyst
Zn-decorated GaN nanowires demonstrate efficient CO2 conversion to CH4 and H2O2 under light. Credit: ©Science China Press

The catalyst achieved a CH4 production rate of 189 mmol g–1 h–1 with 93.6% selectivity and maintained activity for over 80 hours without degradation. This system offers dual benefits: fuel generation (CH4) for energy storage and H2O2 synthesis for industrial applications.

Mechanistic studies revealed that the interaction between Zn nanoclusters and GaN nanowires enhances the formation of the formate (HCOO*) intermediate, improving efficiency and selectivity.

This research provides a pathway toward carbon neutrality by integrating renewable energy with fuel production and chemical synthesis. It also opens new possibilities for utilizing CO2 emissions and converting them into value-added products, contributing to global climate goals.

Journal Reference:
Muhammad Salman Nasir, Bowen Sheng, Ying Zhao, Haotian Ye, Jun Song, Jinglin Li, Ping Wang, Tao Wang, Xinqiang Wang, Zhen Huang, Baowen Zhou, ‘An integrated photocatalytic redox architecture for simultaneous overall conversion of CO2 and H2O toward CH4 and H2O2, Science Bulletin (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.11.021

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Science China Press

Thousands of European citizen scientists helped identify shifts in the floral traits of insect-pollinated plants

Estonian Research Council – The results of cowslip observations carried out with the help of citizen scientists from 32 countries in over 5,200 locations shed light on the well-being of insect-pollinated plants under changing climate and land use conditions.

The study was made possible thanks to the contribution of European science enthusiasts. It revealed some surprising results recently published in the Journal of Ecology, one of the longest-standing top-level journals in this field.

The cowslip (Primula veris) is considered a model species for studying insect-pollinated plants. Cowslips can have two types of flowers: long-styled (L-morph) and short-styled (S-morph). In L-morph flowers, the stamens are at the base of the corolla, and the style is tall, making self-pollination difficult. In S-morph flowers, the style is short, the anthers are high, and self-pollination is easier.

The cowslip observations were carried out with the help of citizen scientists from 32 countries in over 5,200 locations (science)
The cowslip observations were carried out with the help of citizen scientists from 32 countries in over 5,200 locations. Credit: Kristjan Jung

Different floral morphs have evolved in many plant species to prevent self-pollination and facilitate cross-pollination by insects. Generally, the proportion of short-styled S-morphs and long-styled L-morphs should be fairly equal in a viable plant population.

However, in many cowslip populations observed across Europe, a significant imbalance and a marked predominance of S-morph flowers were noted. There were 9% more S-morphs than L-morphs. In smaller populations, the imbalance in flower types was more frequent, irrespective of the floral morph.

Further analysis of climate and land use data revealed that the higher prevalence of the S-morphs was associated with greater summer precipitation and more intensive land use. Previous studies have shown that the unequal proportion of flower types is one of the risk factors that can lead to species extinction.

According to the study’s lead author, Tsipe Aavik, Associate Professor in Macroecology at the University of Tartu, these are very surprising results offering plenty of material for further research. Aavik said that similar results were obtained a few years ago from observations made as part of the citizen science initiative in Estonia, but at the time, the shifts were attributed to Estonia being at the northern edge of the cowslip distribution range.

“This study confirmed that the balance of the floral morphs is, in fact, disrupted across Europe, so this change is much more meaningful,” said Aavik.

The researchers speculate that this may be a step on the evolutionary path helping plants cope with various environmental changes – the loss and fragmentation of suitable habitats, changes in pollinator diversity and composition, and a warmer and wetter climate. According to Aavik, the Europe-wide cowslip observation is only the first step in testing this hypothesis.

During the international cowslip campaign, University of Tartu researchers invited people across Europe to observe cowslips and share their observation data in the springs of 2021 and 2022. During the citizen science project, which started in Estonia in 2019, observations were made in more than 8,000 locations across Europe, and nearly 900,000 cowslips were examined over four years.

Journal Reference:
Aavik, T., Reitalu, T., Kivastik, M., Reinula, I., Träger, S., Uuemaa, E., Barberis, M., Biere, A., Castro, S., Cousins, S. A. O., Csecserits, A., Dariotis, E., Fišer, Ž., Grzejszczak, G., Huu, C. N., Hool, K., Jacquemyn, H., Julien, M., Klisz, M., … Zobel, M., ‘A pan-European citizen science study shows population size, climate and land use are related to biased morph ratios in the heterostylous plant Primula veris’, Journal of Ecology online ver., 1–19 (2025). DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14477

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Estonian Research Council

Green cement: Electric heating to contribute to climate neutrality

HZDR – The cement industry is one of the largest producers of carbon dioxide. It is responsible for up to eight percent of global man-made emissions – almost three times as much as the global air traffic. To reduce this share and become climate-neutral, the industry is relying on technological innovations.

The international project “ECem”, in which scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) are also involved, is pursuing a promising approach. With the help of electric heating technologies for the energy-intensive process of calcination, the partners from science and industry want to drastically reduce CO2 emissions in cement production.

The project started in the fall of 2024 and will run for three and a half years. It is funded by the Danish Innovation Fund with 21 million Danish crowns (about 2.8 million euros).

Calcination is one of the most important process steps in the production of cement. Limestone is heated to approximately 1450°C in a large furnace and converted into clinker, the main component of cement, by thermal decomposition. This chemical process is responsible for a large proportion of the CO2 emissions released by the cement industry as a whole. Two-thirds of the CO2 is produced during the decomposition of the limestone, a process known as decarbonization, and is therefore unavoidable. The remaining third is due to the enormous energy consumption required to reach the high temperatures. Fossil fuels such as coal or gas are usually used for this purpose.

Functional diagram of the inductive heating of a rotary kiln reactor in cement production
Functional diagram of the inductive heating of a rotary kiln reactor in cement production: so-called susceptors are added to compensate for the poor electrical conductivity of the raw material. These components, shaped as metal balls in the picture, efficiently convert the energy transferred by induction into heat and distribute it evenly throughout the vessel. Credit: B.Schröder | HZDR

The „ECem“ (Electric calciner technologies for cement plants of the future) research project is now taking on this industrial heating process. The goal is to develop a more climate-friendly alternative. To this end, the project partners, led by the Danish cement company FLSmidth, including the Danish Institute of Technology, the University of Aalborg, the companies European Energy and Cementos Argos, as well as the HZDR, want to develop two different electric heating technologies.

Metal balls give limestone the necessary material properties

While the Danish partners in the project are working on the development of an infrared radiant heating system, scientists at the HZDR Institute for Fluid Dynamics are researching an electrical solution based on inductive heating.

The team first wants to set up a laboratory experiment in which induction coils generate a high-frequency field to heat the material in a container. In a later stage, a rotating kiln will be modeled in a further experimental setup with key data that closely approximates industrial conditions. The challenge is that materials such as limestone, which consists mainly of calcium carbonate, are actually unsuitable for induction heating due to their poor electrical conductivity.

To overcome this obstacle, the team wants to mix so-called susceptors into the raw material to be heated. These are components designed to efficiently convert the electric energy into heat and transfer it to the material. An important task is to find the right material that can function robustly as a susceptor at high temperatures and under harsh industrial conditions.

Possible candidates must have a high melting point, must not react with the limestone and should be abrasion-resistant. Forming the susceptors into a shape, for example as metal balls, would have the advantage of combining the calcination and grinding processes into a single step.

Investments in the electrification of industrial processes could, in addition to avoiding CO2, have further positive effects such as increasing efficiency or improving product quality, thus giving the respective companies a competitive advantage in the global markets.

Optimization of gas flows ensures effective heat transport

“At first glance, this project has less to do with the fluid mechanics that we usually deal with at the institute,” explains HZDR engineer Dr. Sven Eckert, head of the Magnetohydrodynamics Department. “However, this is not just a matter of installing a heater in a reactor. Cement kilns usually process many tons of material, which is why the difficulty lies in creating a homogeneous temperature field throughout the entire kiln.

“An inductive heater could even exacerbate this problem if it does not guarantee sufficient heat transport that reaches not only the surface layers but also the interior of the huge volume. Therefore, we have to look at the process in principle, including an optimization of convective gas flows in the furnace, which must ensure effective heat transport.”

This is where the researchers around Sven Eckert can apply their expertise. At the HZDR, they also have access to unique measuring techniques such as magnetic field tomography, which is ideally suited for monitoring electrified industrial processes. The team also wants to benefit from the experience gained in the EU project CITADEL, which is coordinated by the HZDR and is already in progress.

The aim of the ECem project is to validate the technology on a laboratory scale. The data obtained in the planned experiments will be an important input for accompanying computer simulations and the development of digital twins that will map the entire process, including energy and mass flows. On this basis, the scientists want to clarify whether the laboratory experiment can be scaled up to real industrial conditions.

If the answer is positive, the partners could start building a pilot plant similar to the industrial version after the project ends in 2028. Depending on the research results, this plant could either include induction heating or radiation heating, which are being developed in parallel – or, which is not unlikely, a combination of both solutions.

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)

From root to shoot: How silicon powers plant resilience

Okayama University – Silicon (Si) is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, found in large quantities in soil. While Si is not essential for land plants, many plants, such as rice and grasses, have used Si to develop powerful defense mechanisms against various environmental stresses.

Si accumulates in plant leaves and aerial organs as amorphous silica (SiO2), which offers protection against pathogens, herbivores, and environmental challenges like drought. Understanding the processes through which plants manage this beneficial element could enhance crop resilience and productivity, especially in the face of climate change.

In a breakthrough study, a team of researchers led by Dr. Naoki Yamaji, from the Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Japan, has uncovered a key signaling protein, Shoot-Silicon-Signal (SSS), that regulates Si uptake, distribution, and accumulation in rice and other grasses.

Shoot-Silicon-Signal is a key protein involved in root silicon uptake and shoot silicon accumulation (science, climate)
Researchers from Japan have discovered, Shoot-Silicon-Signal (SSS), a protein involved in the uptake and distribution of silicon in rice and grasses. This mechanism has potential implications for promoting sustainable agriculture. Credit: Dr. Naoki Yamaji | Okayama University, Japan

Their research focused on Oryza sativa, a rice variety known for its high Si accumulation, and relies heavily on Si for healthy growth and productivity. The team consisted of Dr. Namiki Mitani-Ueno and Dr. Jian Feng Ma from the Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University, Japan.

This study, published online in Volume 15 of Nature Communications, sheds light on the evolution of SSS in rice crops as a defense mechanism. Dr. Yamaji says, “We have been studying Si nutrition in plants and have identified several Si transporters for Si uptake, distribution, and accumulation. Now, we have researched the signaling protein.”

SSS is an unusually exceptional homolog of florigen, a hormone that regulates flowering in plants. While florigen plays a role in plant development, SSS plays a crucial role in regulating Si. The researchers discovered that when Si is available, the level of SSS protein in the plant drops, signaling the plant to adjust its Si intake accordingly. They used wild-type (naturally occurring) rice variety, modified (mutated) cell lines of the SSS gene, and a transgenic cell line of rice containing genes of SSS protein and green fluorescent protein.

The team utilized multiple biotechnological advancements to create mutated and transgenic cell lines. They then performed various analyzes on the expression of the SSS gene and the presence of SSS protein in various parts of the plant. In rice plants with mutated SSS gene, Si uptake from the roots was significantly reduced, causing a drop in the grain yield. This highlights the important role of SSS in regulating Si absorption and accumulation.

Also, the scientists found that in leaves, the SSS gene is expressed in the phloem — a tissue that helps in the transportation of food in plants.

Shoot-Silicon-Signal (SSS) protein regulates silicon uptake and promotes growth in rice
The recent study reveals the indispensable role of silicon as an adaptive element in the growth of rice. The mechanism behind this signaling protein can help in optimizing silicon fertilization. Credit: Flickr via the Creative Commons Search Repository

The findings have exciting implications for agriculture. By using SSS protein as a marker, scientists can better estimate the Si requirements of a plant and consequently optimize Si fertilization. This could result in more resilient crops that are better equipped to cope with environmental stresses, ultimately boosting agricultural productivity and sustainability.

Dr. Yamaji emphasizes: “Si accumulation in plants alleviates various biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, optimization of Si makes more stress-tolerant crops. It contributes to the productivity and sustainability of agriculture.”

Si accumulation and regulation also help the plant to adapt to the environmental conditions. Though Si is not considered an essential element for plant growth, the study proves its indispensable role as an adaptive element.

Dr. Yamaji adds about the potential implications of the study: “This discovery opens up new possibilities for improving Si management in crops, particularly in regions where Si availability in soil is lowered by cultivation. By better understanding how plants regulate Si, we can design more efficient fertilization strategies and enhance crop resilience globally.”

As climate change continues to threaten agricultural stability, improving Si management could become a key strategy for ensuring a more resilient food supply. Dr. Yamaji concludes: “Si is not just an element that plants accumulate, it’s an adaptive tool that helps them thrive and survive. By harnessing the power of Si, we can help ensure a more sustainable and productive agricultural future.”

Journal Reference:
Yamaji, N., Mitani-Ueno, N., Fujii, T. et al. ‘Shoot-Silicon-Signal protein to regulate root silicon uptake in rice’, Nature Communications 15, 10712 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-55322-7

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Okayama University

China’s temperature extremes: a 60-year climate chronicle

IGSNRR | CAS – A recent study sheds light on the spatio-temporal patterns of temperature extremes in China over the past six decades, revealing alarming warming trends and highlighting the critical role of atmospheric circulation factors.

By analyzing 14 extreme temperature indices across 2138 weather stations, the research offers key insights into the shifting nature of these extreme events, with far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human society. These findings are crucial for anticipating severe weather events and guiding future disaster preparedness strategies, underlining the urgent need for action to address the escalating impacts of climate change in China.

As global temperatures rise, extreme climate events have become more frequent and intense, driving a surge in natural disasters and resulting in significant socio-economic losses. The World Meteorological Organization reports that nearly 12,000 disasters occurred between 1970 and 2021, causing economic losses of approximately $4.3 trillion.

The intensification of these events has garnered global attention due to their devastating effects on both ecosystems and human populations.

Understanding the patterns, frequency, and severity of temperature extremes is vital for crafting effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. The spatial variability of these changes, influenced by geographical and atmospheric factors, necessitates in-depth research on the evolution of extreme temperature events across China.

Mapping showing the Mann–Kendall test for TXx, TXn, TNx, and TNn during 1961–2020 in China
Mapping showing the Mann–Kendall test for TXx, TXn, TNx, and TNn during 1961–2020 in China. Red triangles pointing up and blue triangles pointing down represent statistically significant (α = 0.05) increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. The trend’s magnitude (°C/decade) is indicated by their color and size. Open markers indicate no statistically noteworthy trend at a level of significance of 0.05. Markers with circled crosses indicate stationary trends with Sen’s slope equal to zero. Credit: Journal of Geographical Sciences

Published in the Journal of Geographical Sciences, the study, led by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, provides a detailed examination of temperature extremes in China. By analyzing data from 2138 weather stations, the study offers comprehensive insights into the nation’s climate shifts, focusing on 14 extreme temperature indices.

The study rigorously analyzed temperature data from 1961 to 2020, using daily temperature records from 2138 stations across China. It uncovered notable changes in both cold and warm extremes. Cold extremes, such as cold nights, cold days, frost days, and icing days, showed a significant decline, with rates of −6.64, −2.67, −2.96, and −0.97 days per decade, respectively. In contrast, warm extremes, including warm nights, warm days, summer days, and tropical nights, exhibited marked increases, with rates of 8.44, 5.18, 2.81, and 2.50 days per decade, respectively.

Additionally, the study found that the lowest and highest temperatures have risen by 0.47, 0.22, 0.26, and 0.16°C per decade, respectively.

To better understand these changes, the researchers used Pearson’s correlation and wavelet coherence analyses to explore the connection between extreme temperature indices and atmospheric circulation factors. The study found a strong correlation between temperature extremes and global atmospheric drivers, with particular emphasis on the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO), which significantly influenced all 14 extreme temperature indices.

Furthermore, the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) showed a strong positive correlation with warm extremes and a negative correlation with cold extremes, further underlining its role in shaping China’s climate patterns. These findings reveal the complex relationship between global atmospheric circulation and local temperature extremes in China.

Luo Yuanbo, the lead author of the study, emphasized the importance of these findings: “Our in-depth analysis of temperature extremes over the past six decades highlights a clear warming trend across China, with profound environmental and societal implications. The correlations between extreme temperature indices and atmospheric circulation factors, like the AMO and AO, show how global climate drivers are influencing local conditions. Understanding these interactions is crucial for predicting severe weather events and formulating effective disaster prevention strategies.”

This research holds significant practical value. By mapping the spatio-temporal patterns of temperature extremes and their connections to atmospheric circulation, it enhances predictive models for extreme weather events in China. The study’s findings are essential for developing disaster preparedness strategies, enabling policymakers to allocate resources more effectively and protect communities from climate-related risks.

Additionally, the insights into global atmospheric influences contribute to broader international climate efforts and the development of adaptive strategies.

Journal Reference:
Luo, Y., Zhou, Y. & Zhou, C., ‘Spatio-temporal patterns of temperature extremes and their response to atmospheric circulation factors in China from 1961 to 2020’, Journal of Geographical Sciences 34, 1883–1903 (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s11442-024-2275-2

Article Source:
Press Release/Material by Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) | Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Featured image credit: Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

The cost of saving Australia’s wildlife: $15.6 billion per year
Two adult male forest red-tailed black cockatoo fight for the affections of a female
The cost of saving Australia’s wildlife: $15.6 billion per yearScience

The cost of saving Australia’s wildlife: $15.6 billion per year

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Carbon dioxide removal: feasibility study evaluates possible measures for Germany

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